Launch a Vercel Project with Secure Auth in Just a Few Clicks

Launch a Vercel Project with Secure Auth in Just a Few Clicks

This process uses Vercel to clone Userfront’s Next.js Sample App repository. When you're done, you will have a fresh Next.js project with ready to use, customizable authentication forms wired up for signup, login, and password reset.
October 1, 2024
Darin Evangelista
Security-charging Your NextJS 14 App with Userfront Authentication

Security-charging Your NextJS 14 App with Userfront Authentication

Whether you're new to authentication in NextJS or looking to migrate to a modern identity and authentication management system, this guide provides you with the knowledge to build a robust, secure authentication system using Userfront in your NextJS 14 application.
July 24, 2024
Userfront DevEx Team
Plug-and-play auth with Userfront’s Toolkit

Plug-and-play auth with Userfront’s Toolkit

With Userfront’s Toolkit, adding things like a signup form or a login form to your own applications is a breeze. Ready to give it a whirl? Let’s go!
September 12, 2023
Sara Safavi